What motivates me ?

Babulu Meher
2 min readNov 12, 2023


Understanding your personal motivations can be a complex and introspective process. Here are 20 steps that may help you identify what motivates you:

  1. Reflect on Past Successes: Consider moments in your life when you felt a sense of accomplishment. What were you doing, and why did it make you feel fulfilled?
  2. Identify Core Values: List your core values. What principles guide your decisions and actions?
  3. Explore Passions: Think about activities or subjects that truly interest you. What could you spend hours doing without getting bored?
  4. Set Goals: Outline short-term and long-term goals. What achievements would bring you the most satisfaction?
  5. Analyze Challenges: Reflect on obstacles you’ve overcome. What motivated you to push through difficult times?
  6. Examine Role Models: Identify people you admire. What qualities in them do you wish to emulate?
  7. Consider Intrinsic Motivators: Think about activities that you do for the sheer joy of doing them, without external rewards.
  8. Evaluate Extrinsic Motivators: Consider external factors that drive you, such as recognition, praise, or financial rewards.
  9. Assess Personal Growth: Reflect on instances when you felt a sense of personal development. What activities contribute to your growth?
  10. Explore Social Connections: Consider the relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment. How do these connections motivate you?
  11. Analyze Career Satisfaction: If applicable, evaluate aspects of your work that you find fulfilling. What tasks or projects bring you the most satisfaction?
  12. Consider Fear as a Motivator: Reflect on things you want to avoid or fear missing out on. What fears drive your actions?
  13. Examine Learning Preferences: Consider how you prefer to learn and grow. Do you thrive on new challenges, or do you prefer mastering existing skills?
  14. Evaluate Decision-Making Criteria: Reflect on the criteria you use when making decisions. What factors weigh most heavily in your choices?
  15. Assess Personal Strengths: Identify your strengths and talents. What activities allow you to leverage these strengths?
  16. Reflect on Hobbies: Consider your hobbies and recreational activities. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
  17. Review Personal Achievements: Think about moments in your life when you felt a deep sense of achievement. What were you doing?
  18. Consider Environmental Factors: Evaluate the impact of your surroundings on your motivation. Are there specific environments that inspire you?
  19. Reflect on Feedback: Consider feedback from others. What compliments or constructive criticism resonates with you?
  20. Mindfulness and Introspection: Spend time in self-reflection and mindfulness. What thoughts and feelings arise when you think about your motivations?

motivations can evolve over time, so regularly revisit and reassess these steps to stay attuned to your changing needs and desires.




Babulu Meher

Hello, I am Babulu meher, I am a mechanical engineering student. my father is farmers. i am still living in sonepur city of Odisha